
Source code for dagster.core.execution.context.compute

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from typing import Any, Optional

from dagster import check
from dagster.core.definitions.dependency import Solid
from dagster.core.definitions.pipeline import PipelineDefinition
from dagster.core.definitions.solid import SolidDefinition
from dagster.core.instance import DagsterInstance
from dagster.core.log_manager import DagsterLogManager
from dagster.core.storage.pipeline_run import PipelineRun
from dagster.utils.forked_pdb import ForkedPdb

from .step import StepExecutionContext
from .system import SystemComputeExecutionContext

class AbstractComputeExecutionContext(ABC):  # pylint: disable=no-init
    """Base class for solid context implemented by SolidExecutionContext and DagstermillExecutionContext"""

    def has_tag(self, key) -> bool:
        """Implement this method to check if a logging tag is set."""

    def get_tag(self, key: str) -> str:
        """Implement this method to get a logging tag."""

    def run_id(self) -> str:
        """The run id for the context."""

    def solid_def(self) -> SolidDefinition:
        """The solid definition corresponding to the execution step being executed."""

    def solid(self) -> Solid:
        """The solid corresponding to the execution step being executed."""

    def pipeline_def(self) -> PipelineDefinition:
        """The pipeline being executed."""

    def pipeline_run(self) -> PipelineRun:
        """The PipelineRun object corresponding to the execution."""

    def resources(self) -> Any:
        """Resources available in the execution context."""

    def log(self) -> DagsterLogManager:
        """The log manager available in the execution context."""

    def solid_config(self) -> Any:
        """The parsed config specific to this solid."""

[docs]class SolidExecutionContext(StepExecutionContext, AbstractComputeExecutionContext): """The ``context`` object available as the first argument to every solid's compute function. Users should not instantiate this object directly. Example: .. code-block:: python @solid def hello_world(context: SolidExecutionContext): context.log.info("Hello, world!") """ __slots__ = ["_system_compute_execution_context"] def __init__(self, system_compute_execution_context: SystemComputeExecutionContext): self._system_compute_execution_context = check.inst_param( system_compute_execution_context, "system_compute_execution_context", SystemComputeExecutionContext, ) self._pdb: Optional[ForkedPdb] = None super(SolidExecutionContext, self).__init__(system_compute_execution_context) @property def solid_config(self) -> Any: """The parsed config specific to this solid.""" return self._system_compute_execution_context.solid_config @property def pipeline_run(self) -> PipelineRun: """PipelineRun: The current pipeline run""" return self._system_compute_execution_context.pipeline_run @property def instance(self) -> DagsterInstance: """DagsterInstance: The current Dagster instance""" return self._system_compute_execution_context.instance @property def pdb(self) -> ForkedPdb: """dagster.utils.forked_pdb.ForkedPdb: Gives access to pdb debugging from within the solid. Example: .. code-block:: python @solid def debug_solid(context): context.pdb.set_trace() """ if self._pdb is None: self._pdb = ForkedPdb() return self._pdb